Monday, February 20, 2012

Death Trap

Olivia has a fish...alive and well.

Owen has a fish...alive and well.

Morgan has had two fish...both dead.

Then her dad got her a little swimmy frog yesterday....dead.

It didn't even last a whole day.

There is no explaining it, Morgan has simply had bad luck in the fish/amphibian pet department.

As we were discussing this yesterday, amidst major bawling, she proclaimed that everything she gets dies and perhaps it is time for her to just get "another kind of pet".

I told her we could get her another little frog today and it would be fine.

"But I want THAT frog!  Another one won't be the same.  Wahhhhhhh!!!"

"I'm sure we can find one that looks just the same, you'll see." I tried to soothe her.

She just looked at me with big tears in her eyes and wailed, "But it won't have the same personality!"

Apparently she liked the way this one swam.

Nevertheless, we are going to try to find a frog today with a great personality.

Let us know if you know any.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww. :( I've never had luck with fish, myself. Hamsters and birds were my pets growing up.