Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For the Love of Flies

We've had an overabundance of flies in our house lately.

It's unfortunate.

Today Owen and Morgan were admiring all the flies in our window sill when Owen shouted out, "Mom, there's a fly on top of a dead fly. That's so funny."

I came in for a closer look and I said to Owen, "Uh oh, that fly isn't dead. I know what they are trying to do....they are trying to make baby flies!"

Dang flies trying to get it on in my house!

"Oh no!" Owen cried, "Then there will be baby flies EVERYWHERE!"

My fear exactly.

He then explained to our dog that the flies were trying to make baby flies and that the situation was indeed dire.

I tried really hard to kill the two that were tangoing, but those dang things can fly while "in the act".

And quite well at that.

I missed them over and over again and then I lost them.

No wonder we've had so many flies in our house....it's a veritable love-fest in here.

(at least for flies). :)


Lana said...

yeah, last year around thanksgiving we were OVERLOADED with those nasty suckers. The 4 dairies close by our house doesn't help the situation much!!! :) Hilarious story of super fast mating flies.

Allyson & Jere said...

Ewwww! I have a fly problem as well, though I attribute it to poopy diapers in the garbage cans outside, but still....so annoying.

Greg and Tammy said...

Two little unknown facts about Tammy:

1. I feel your pain with the allergies. Although Claritin makes my loopy in the head... Allegra is my BFF. UGH on allergies.

2. Flies aren't the only animals that can mate while flying. :)