Friday, October 30, 2009


...lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Owen is obsessed with Spongebob so I thought I'd oblige his request for a Spongebob birthday cake.

It was a fun cake to make for his 5th birthday.

It was 10:30 at night, the night before his birthday and I was NOT wanting to make it. In fact, I told Shane several times I wasn't going to do it. Things have been crazy busy around here (and funkish) and I was obviously very tired since 10:30 is already half an hour past my bedtime.

I went to the store to just buy a cake but they were all crappy.

When I came home from the store I told Shane, "I'm gonna do it." Owen was expecting a Spongebob cake and I could not disappoint.

Shane's response, "I knew you would."

So up I stayed until 1:30 am getting things just right.

It was totally worth it.

Owen loved it and that's all that mattered.


**Thanks to Porter and Lana for sharing the day with us and letting us use their house to celebrate since we don't have one. :)


RecipeNut said...

You did such a good job, it's awesome! Brandon loves spongebob, you'll have to check out his halloween costume :) You're a great mom for putting all that time and effort into a bday cake...even though you didn't want to. He'll always remember it!

Dana said...

And you don't even look tired!! Hayden (& Harrison) have both put in a Sponge Bob cake request too! :-)

Summertime Designs said...

Wow! That looks so great! And I love that Shane knew that you were gonna budge and just make it. You seriously did a perfect job on it.

Allyson & Jere said...

WOW! It really looks amazing. I'm QUITE impressed with your mad cake decorating skills. You're a better Mom than I. Ummm, I totally forgot it was Owens birthday. Happy belated to him.