Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm In A....


1[fuhngk] Show IPA
1.cowering fear; state of great fright or terror.
2.a dejected mood: He's been in a funk ever since she walked out on him.

Definition #2 is my problem.

I hate being in a funk.

I don't know
why I'm in a funk.

I have no
right to be in a funk.

But here I am...totally and completely in a funk.

I want out!


Lana said...

ugh, hate those. I just started to come out of one. No idea why it began or how it ended...wish I would have paid a bit more attention to those details... :) The good news is that you look cute everytime I see you, you have great hair :), and your website is kicking people's butts everywhere. It's okay to get a little funky sometimes. I mean, it's hard to perfectly awesome 24/7, so give yourself a little time off every now and then. peace.

Melanie said...

Funks stink big time. I'm sorry. I hope you get out fast.

cheerleader said...

I was thinking just today we (You, Me, Kate) we needed another GNO. I needed to visit and eat dinner with my girlfriends again. That usually clears a good case of the funks for me and gets me going again for few months. Lets get something planned! :)