Monday, October 12, 2009

Mr. Rogers Definitely Ain't My Neighbor!

As the kids and I strolled out of the neighborhood grocery store we were greeted by 5 cop cars and a fire truck and I couldn't help but think....hmmmm, something's wrong.

But what was it?

Then it came to me.  What was wrong was that I was totally un-phased by said cop cars and fire trucks.  We'd been greeted by such a scene before.  Just another day in the ghetto.  I wasn' t nervous or even all that curious about what was happening.  
As Shane and I pulled into Mesa from our trip to San Diego last night there were several cop cars, lights a blazing, right in front of our street.  I said to Shane, "Well, just another day on Broadway."  And he laughed because he hadn't even noticed.

It's awesome.

But what's even more awesome is this.  The place that I LOVE to eat, Krazy Sub, is right next to an Asian Massage parlor.  Yeah, I think it's that kind of Asian massage parlor.  We saw a news report about them and I'm pretty sure this has to be what they were talking about.  But, nevertheless, they carry on their business 2 doors down from Krazy Sub where every Mormon kid that goes to Westwood loves to dine.

I made Shane pose in front of their sign.  He was afraid some pimp was going to come out and beat him up.  I assured him all would be fine, just pose for the picture. :)

Could somebody please enlighten me as to what a "free table shower" is?



Melanie said...

Your question about the table shower cracked me up because I was thinking the exact same thing and then scrolled down to see you pose the same question. Weird. Very weird.

Lana said...

ew. that's yucky and not sanitary. :) Also, I'd like to say that I'd never seen a person being arrested until I moved to Mesa...and I think it was on Broadway. hehehe

azandersens said...

Melanie just took the words out of my mouth. Too funny. Gotta love Krazy Sub. So much better than Ned's.

Julz said...

I'm just jelous that I dont live by Crazy Sub.

Mei Day said...

It's just where they wash off your table for you. Sheesh, why do you have to try and make everything sound dirty.

Kelly said...

This reminded me of a funny story in my life. Shortly after I finished massage school, actually I don't think I was done yet, I interviewed at what I thought was a massage therapy clinic in Mesa. It wasn't until I found out they stayed open till midnight or later and had signs that read "It is not okay to touch your therapist", or something like that, that I realized it was one of "those" places. Yuck. I think that's why I never wanted to actually do massage.