Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Champion

You probably think I'm writing about a person.

I'm not.

I'm writing about our toilet.

It's called The Champion.

About a year ago we replaced the toilets in our house because the ones that were here when we moved in were gross.  Shane said, "If we're going to get new toilets let's get really good ones."

So we went to Home Depot and said, "Give us your best toilet."

That is where we got The Champion (it is literally called that on the box).

It touted being able to flush an entire bucket of golf balls at once!

I'm not sure if it can really do that, I've never tried, but it can get my 9-year old nieces doo-doo down without clogging, which is more than I can say for our other toilets.

But all of this is neither here nor there, my point in talking about The Champion is its height.

It is a "chair height" toilet.

This means a couple of things.

One, my feet can't be flat on the ground when I sit on it.

I hate that.

I feel like a five year old with my tippy-toes touching the ground.

But number two, this is what I hate most of all, I have gotten used to this "chair height" so when I go to sit on any other toilet there is a millisecond of panic that shoots through me thinking that somehow the toilet I was about to sit on disappeared because my backside should have hit it by now.

Then I am rudely jarred out of this panic because I hit the toilet harder than a person normally should.

It's not pleasant.

And I'm thinking that The Champion isn't such a champion after all.

Too much information?

Oh well.


Anonymous said...

I love the Champion. It is just the right height for a dude with bad knees. My legs don't buckle like they do with tiny toilets. Curse you, tiny toilets!

Allyson & Jere said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That was freaking funny. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

I love that you wrote "number two..." hahaha!!!

LadyCarma said...

What a crappy thing to write about! Teehee.

Amy said...

so funny- should get commission from the company because now I want to buy this toilet.

MamaD said...

Just wait till you come to my house and see my tiny black toilet with the mismatched toilet seat. We affectionally call it Darth Toilet even though it's got the weakest flush I've ever seen. Just one of the things on our list we have to take care of.

Akina's said...

bahahaha i LOVE this post.

Dana Rodgers said...

I want a Champion...for every reason you listed in your description. I have the longest legs on the planet that feel like I'm doing a squat (which I fail at) every time I sit on anybody's regular toilet. And I want something that can handle the nieces (and the sons, and the husbands) doo-doo. Yes, I want a Champion. Then, of course, you'll feel safe and right at home when you potty here too. :-)

Robin said...

Trent told me that in oneof his college classes (must have been plumbing) they were told about this Champion. When the teacher asked the class if they knew why it was called The Champion, a guy raised his hand and said, "'cause you would be a champion if you could clogged it. " Good stuff!

Robin said...

I just reread my comment and please forgive me for the many typos.