Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Observant Owen...

We have a token system at our house for doing chores.

Make your bed, clean your room, and brush your teeth every morning = 1 token.

Do an extra job = 1 token.

You can get just 2 tokens a day.

When we started this the kids would ask me constantly, "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom….what can I do for an extra job?"

And then I would wander around the house trying to find something for them to do:

  "You can wipe down the bathroom counters."  "You can empty my bathroom garbage."  "You can take out the recycling."  "You can fill Jersey's food and water."  etc.

You get the picture.

One day I realized that I had an opportunity here to not only teach them how to work, but also how to be observant.  To see things that need to be done on their own.


So I started telling them to look for something that needs to be done.  I figured this would train their eyes to see these things.  It's been great and they are finding things to do on their own for extra jobs.

But today I realized that it is working even when they aren't looking for extra jobs.

I had made cookies earlier today and put them on my island to cool.  When I took them off and put them away the wax paper and cookies left behind that gross oily spot on the island.  I hadn't gotten around to wiping it off and a little while later Owen was walking by and said, "Whoa mom, this needs to get wiped off!"

Now you tell me, how many 7 year old boys notice a counter that needs to be wiped off?  No, no wait.  You tell me how many 37 year old boys notice a counter that needs to be wiped off?

Someday Owen is going to make some woman very happy.

Besides me. :)

p.s. I do happen to know one 38 year old boy that is great at wiping down counters and he makes this woman very, very happy. :)

1 comment:

Jenalee said...

Would Owen like to come spend the summer at my house?

Wait...maybe I could send my kids to YOU. That's the best idea ever!