Thursday, July 14, 2011

Holy Cow!

I live in a neighborhood.


Granted, there is a deserty field just to the side of my house, but it's just a bunch of sage brush and dirt.

So you can imagine our surprise when this morning Shane left for work and came back in two seconds later saying, "Come here, you've got to see this!  There are cows and a donkey in our front yard."


So out we went to view the spectacle.

Sure enough there was this guy:

and this guy:

and all of these guys:

this is a view from my driveway:

Right now I can hear cows mooing outside my window.  

And now the police have shown up beeping their sirens at the cows.

Half our neighborhood was standing outside, gawking at this.

I couldn't help but think how funny this would be to a rancher or cattle farmer, us all standing there like: "Oh my gosh, look at the cows!" 

But I suppose it wasn't because they were cows, but cows in an unusual place.

Morgan just keeps saying how awesome it was and that maybe Jersey could go out since maybe she would just look like a cow to them (since she's a cow dog), but she also mentioned we would need to paint her paws to look like hooves and they might notice her dog nose, so we'd need to do something about that.

She's got it all figured out.

Anyway, you can't really beat a day where you wake up to cows.



Allyson & Jere said...

And the best forced you to blog! Yay for run away cows! I wonder if they stole a car and crashed it somewhere. 'Cause cows totally can do that you know.

LadyCarma said...

As a child, I saw cows every day, in fact, more than twice a day. Cows don't surprise me. But I see how the kids would love it.

Julz said...

What in the!?

Jenalee said...

Holy Cow!!! That's crazy! ;)

Robin said...

SO weird!

azandersens said...

The cows are funny. The donkey? Icing on the cake!

DianD said...

Well, I was half way through posting a comment and somebody tried to send a "how ya doin message" and lost my post! Anyway, funny, funny for sure! The funniest of all was MORGAN! The girl is hilarious and never stops thinking! So whose cows were they anyway? Somebody probably had a heart attack when they discovered they were gone! Fun post.... keep us posted and updated!

Alisha said...

Hi, you don't know me but we have a mutual friend, Liz. I'm bored this sunday afternoon so I went blog stalking. Just have to say that I think you are brilliant for the method you're using for school clothes. My kids are little right now but I hope I remember this in a few years!!!