Friday, November 12, 2010

Van Morgan

Once upon a time there was a naughty little girl that looked like this.

Don't let that adoreable-ness fool you.  She's naughty.
And because of this naughtiness she got sent to her room for a time out.
Fast forward a few days later when I go in to make the bed of this naughty girl because I can't look at the messy room for one more moment.

As I start to pull back the covers I notice something.

Is that a drawing?  On the sheets?

Why yes, yes it is.

And it is distinctly a Morgan.  You know how you can tell a Van Gough from a mile away?  Well I can do the same thing with a Morgan. 

Now, I had to muster up some anger because the drawing was so dang cute and pretty good for being done on a sheet.  And it extra melted my heart because it's a dog or cat (or animal of some kind because that's all Morgan loves and it cracks me up).  So I pulled myself together and marched out to Morgan to demand some answers.

Did you draw a picture on your sheets? I asked all mom-like.
She sheepishly answered that she did indeed.
I demanded to know why she did such a thing and she informed me that she just really likes to draw, even when she's in time out.

I reminded her that we ONLY draw on paper and she confirmed that she knows this and will do so from here on out.

I don't want any more bed sheet drawings, but I have to was kind of fun to be greeted by a little drawing while making the bed.

Naughty girl.


Allyson & Jere said...

Oh Dix, that girl is a hoot, as are you and your writing.

Thanks for the story, and the pic. It was a pretty cute pic, as far as sheet drawings go.

DianD said...

Cutest stinkin picture of Morgan ever and how talented is she with her "bed art!" I've been waiting for an update for the Dixon household for a while! Thanks for posting! :)

Crandell Fam said...

So dang cute! The picture and the story!

Crandell Fam said...

So dang cute! The picture, and the story. Loved it!

Dana said...

Love it! Love your writing! Just love all my family--and their hidden talents too.

Bryson Jones said...

Hahahah that's really funny... good stuff. You should post more often :)