Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Every once in awhile I have a great idea.  This week I had one of those.

A stroke of genius really.

I decided my kids should actually earn the money they use to buy each other gifts this year.  Instead of saying, "Here's $5 for you to buy a gift for your brother/sister," I figured they should work for it so it meant something to them.

But what to do?

I'm a firm believer in NOT paying kids to do things they should do anyway like clean their rooms, make their beds, do chores, be "good", etc.  I thought of creating "extra jobs" like wiping down baseboards and stuff, but I decided that fell into the same category as "earning their keep".  But what can 4, 6 & 7 year olds do to earn money then?  I kept my mind a thinkin' and I came up with a plan.

What are my kids really good at?  Looking adorable (irresistible in fact) for 1-2 minute increments of time.  How could I exploit that and help them earn some sweet cash in the process?

Selling cookies!

They were totally down with the idea--quite excited in fact.  Everyone had a job:
Job 1: Hold the cookie basket and speak to the customer (this was the most important and coveted of the jobs--the actual selling.  They all wanted to do it.)
Job 2:  Hold the sign that clearly explained 3 cookies for $1 with a Santa that was telling you that you were "lucky". (which indeed you are because 3 cookies for a dollar is a smokin' deal).
Job 3:  Hold the money can up for the sweet cash to be deposited.
Job 4: (mom's job) make all the cookies and wrap them up all cute-like.

We did two days of selling.  The first day (Saturday), I thought went pretty well.  We sold about $14 worth in just under an hour.  Today we doubled our amount to sell ($28 worth) and sold out in 35 minutes! 

We did two things different today:  One, I dressed them all up.  I know this made a big difference.  And two, I let them take turns "selling". (the first day Livy did all the talking per her insistence, but I thought it would work well to change it up).  I am certain this made a big difference too.

Here's the sales team:

Could you say no to this? 

Or this? 

How 'bout THIS?! 

Morgan was our secret weapon.  When she was in charge of selling NOBODY could say no.  

We didn't get many "no's", but Livy and Owen did get some.  

Morgan got none.

I told her to speak real loud so people could hear her.  So she spoke real loud in her raspy, perfect, Morgan voice and I could literally watch grown men, teenage boys, grandma's, anyone that was standing there, melt into puddles and run for their wallets.  She was proud that she wasn't even being shy.

The kids loved this experience.  They think selling is fun and pretty easy.  They were SO excited to count their money at home and figure out how much they made.  They all made enough to buy each other gifts and maybe even have a little left over.

So, as Livy said when we got home, "This was a great success!"


Allyson & Jere said...

LOVE IT! The pics of Morgan are so freaking adorable. And frankly, I can't imagine saying no to her raspy little self either.
Quite ingeniuous Dixie. You're a good Mom, really GOOD!

MamaD said...

What a great idea! I keep forgetting that it is not freezing cold where you are so you can dress the kids up in summery clothes. Where did you sell cookies - at the mall? Really, what a great lesson! I might want to steal it someday.

azandersens said...

So cute! Where did they sell? Door to door?

Jenalee said...

Were those SECRET cookies? I don't think they were. I am HOPING they weren't, because once upon a time, I would have been the neighbor who would have bought them. But that's never to be again, and to think that they were Dixie's-famous-secret-cookies is just too much for me.

MamaD said...

Oh yeah - what kind of cookies were they?

The Dixon Family said...

Great idea. Owen was rockin' that bow-tie.

Dixiechick said...

They were chocolate chip cookies, and yes we sold door-to-door in our neighborhood. (*great way to get to know your neighbors better too!)
Jenalee, you KNOW they were secret chocolate chip cookies. They are the only ones I know how to make without your help. :)

Greg and Tammy said...

Cute idea!! I would have purchased from those adorables FOR SURE.

DianD said...

AMAZING idea! Lessons they'll never forget and CUTE! Oh my! Don't know how you could ever say "No" to a team like that!
Yea for a great and "safe" neighborhood in which to sell, too.

Natalie said...

Great idea! My mom used to send us out to sell suckers and we loved it! We also sold snow cones in the summer. I better get Taylor out selling in the next few years!