Sunday, August 16, 2009

Holy Cow! We Got A Puppy.

This is Jersey.

Jersey is from a litter of Chihuahua/Beagle mixes that my dad's dog had.  They are an actual desired breed called Cheagle's.  

For reals.

Want to know what else is for reals?

She is ours.

I know!  What has gotten into me?

Well, first those dang cats Fluff and Muff (the mother) decided to penetrate my animal hating heart and make me actually really feel for them.

We used to see them playing in our backyard almost every morning.

After all our vacationing this summer Fluff was pretty much grown up and I haven't seen her in a few weeks.

I do see Muff every once in awhile, but on the other side of the fence.

If you can believe it, I actually miss them.

Well, all week my parents have been gone and it fell to me to feed the dogs and puppies (there are 6 puppies total).

Then, while we waited for Livy's bus to drop her off at my parents house (which is the designated bus stop), Owen and Morgan and I played with the puppies.

I have gotten to know each of them and their personalities and I started to fall in love with them.

There was one sweet one in particular that Morgan had claimed early on that she called "The Cow Puppy."  

The more I got to know all the puppies, the more I loved this little cow puppy and after a little deliberation with Shane and then my father (who bent the rules of the apartment to allow us to have a dog), it was decided that Jersey would be ours.

We told the kids, who we have told repeatedly that we CAN'T have a puppy here, that we were in fact going to keep the cow puppy as our own.  


They just about died.

So we went to Grandma's, picked up our cow puppy, and decided "Jersey" would be a great name for her.

Then we took her to Petco where we learned dogs are much more expensive than we had originally anticipated. :)

She is the best dog ever already.

She hasn't had a single accident.

If she needs to go potty she will whine and I will take her outside and she will go.

This morning I took her out, she peed, and we came back in.  Then she just stood by the back door and whined again.  So I took her out again and she pooped.

She's brilliant and sweet and so adorable.

I think I was more excited than the kids to get her.

Seriously, who the heck am I?

**P.S. Sorry for the lack of details on the bike trip.  I didn't want to bore you all with details.  I'll try to post a few more pics and deets later. :)


Dana said...

That's a really great picture of her too!! Just wait till she brilliantly chews up your shoe. ;)

Julz said...

Really who ARE YOU? I still hate pets but that was sweet for YOU. Also I too want a little more of the bike story! It sounds sooo fun.

Wendy said...

What a cute puppy. Love the title for your cow puppy! Jersey is such an adorable name. Tell us, was it a coincidence or brilliance that caused you to name your cow puppy after the Jersey cow?!

I'm sure the answer is brilliance.

MamaD said...

Oh my adorable! I bet you will just fall more and more in love with Jersey. She's so cute. I knew you couldn't be the cold-hearted animal hater you thought you were. You're lucky that you have family close by to help when you're on vacation cause that is one of the biggest hassles, I think. And yes, dogs are expensive but yours should be less so since it is smaller. And just think - Jersey will teach the kids some responsibility although you will still probably do most of the work. But now that you are a proud dog owner, you should totally read then watch Marley and Me. It will make you cry.

shane said...

How much does Dixie love animals now? Well, she plopped Jersey down on the bed this morning and let Jersey lick the crap out of our faces (ewww...unfortunate use of that expression. I give myself minus five points) Jersey basically stayed in our bed for about an hour with Purina dog food breath and a relentless tongue in pursuit of any possible exposed skin. Sheesh.

Nicolle Webber said...

She is beautiful! I'm so proud of you for getting a puppy, you will regret it a few moments of some days and love her so many more of those moments!

Anonymous said...

that is the cutest dog ever! Sooo cute. ALMOST makes me want to get one. Tiff

Allyson & Jere said...

I will admit, that is a RATHER adorable picture of that dog. I too am now an owner of a dog, and he's cute and all, but still, WHAT am I thinking? Jere is sooo happy he can barely function. I'm just stressed about how to take care of it. Glad you're so happy with Jersey. And finally, allowing said dog, no matter how cute to lay on you and in your bed is NEVER ,I repeat, NEVER ok. So sicked out am I!

Melanie said...

Seriously, who the heck ARE you? But that puppy is the cutest thing ever.