Friday, August 14, 2009

4 Days, 3 Nights, 2 Flats & 1 HUNDRED miles!

Shane and I just had the best vacation.

4 Days in San Diego

3 Nights at the US Grant Hotel

2 Flat tires on my bike

100 miles traveled on our bikes

We left from his parents house in Chula Vista and started heading for the Silver Strand that would take us to Coronado.  I got a flat tire at the very first light outside his parents housing development, literally 5 minutes into our ride.  Luckily the nicest cyclist ever, named Manny (who I forgot to photograph) stopped and helped us.  We may have been slightly underprepared for our journey since we had no spare tires, some crappy patches, and the wrong tools to change a tire.  Manny was kind enough to lend us one of his spare tires and used his tools to pretty much change the tire for us.  He was an answer to our prayers.

Now I have to tread carefully here because Shane's ego is fragile when it comes to tire changing.  I've suggested several times that I can go to a bike shop for a free class on how to change tires and I might as well have kicked him in the face.  He insisted he could do it, but unfortunately every experience we've had with him changing tires hasn't quite worked out.

So when the tire went flat and his attempts to change it weren't quite working I was worried.  Not about the tire--about Shane.  I could see his delicate little ego hanging out and I tried very carefully not to disturb it.  I think I may have bumped it a time or two anyway.  (To be fair, the pump we bought wasn't working and the patches we got were crappy.)

Luckily Manny came up on his white horse (disguised as a sweet Abici bike) and saved us from our dire situation.  And Shane's ego was able to walk away only mildly injured.  Phew.

I did get another flat on the last half of the second day, but we were able to change it all by ourselves without any problems.  All egos were unharmed that day.

We biked about 25 miles each day.

We became part of the city scape.  

People asked us for directions.

We made friends on the street.

We connected with San Diego.

I would recommend it to was an amazing experience.


Allyson & Jere said...

Finally an update. All I'm gonna say is, I think you're cheating us by not updating more frequently, AND this one was too short. i want to hear more about your vacay! Stop being so selfish Dixie! Oh, and hooray for wonderful people on bikes who save the day. My lady on her white horse during the Tri was the BEST!

Dana said...

How did you carry your stuff? Did you have a little side car or did you just wear the same thing for four days? No more pictures of the city-scape, SeaWorld entrance, anything? How about the "after" picture to go with the very cute "before". Oh...BTW, I think it might be a good thing for several family members to take the bike changing class at the bike shop. I'm just saying.....since we're all so active these days.

Kelly said...

I think I need to see if I can wipe any of this green(envy) of my face. That sounds like an amazing time!!!!

MamaD said...

That sounds like so much fun - something that would be right up me and Brandon's alley once Lucy is a bit older and we can leave her with someone for an extended period of time. I always liked the idea of a Dayton Biking Adventure with the family but I have a feeling that will never happen. Maybe someday, we can do a Brandon & Annie Dayton/Dixie & Shane Dixon family bike adventure. But yeah - you should definitely post more details about your vacation - I'm curious how it worked out. Did you go out 25 miles each day and then go back to your hotel each night?

Greg and Tammy said...

WOW!!! 100 miles!!??!! My butt is sore after 10. You must have some serious buns of steel. What a fun trip! So great that you both enjoy the great outdoors together!! Love you guys!

shane said... think your little jabs at my impenentrable ego went unnoticed here? So everyone knows...I am BRILLIANT at changing tires. It is simply that TIRES REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH ME BECAUSE DIXIE'S LACK OF FAITH IN ME CAUSES EACH ATTEMPT TO FAIL. She is kinda like a voodoo princess. I am utterly convinced she has put a hex on my AMAZING bike repair skills. I blame her for everything. And my ego is fine. And why is everyone looking at me like that????