Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's ON!

So if you'll recall, we recently re-did our front yard to look oh so lovely, like this:

And we have one of these: 

Which a certain feral animal:

Thinks is this:

And it's making me:
And also:

I've spoken with the "cat lady" across the street from us that feeds feral cats.  Apparently their poop isn't her problem and she claims they would still be here even if she didn't feed them.

So I've had to take matters into my own hands.

I've researched several sites trying to figure out how to keep those dang cats out of my plantar box.

I wanted to do it in a humane way.

I put bamboo skewers, pointy side up, all throughout the plantar box.

They pooped in there anyway.

I sprinkled black pepper all throughout.

They pooped in there anyway.

I sprinkled red pepper all throughout (I read this may cause them to scratch their own eyes out. Being humane was becoming less of a priority for me).

They pooped in there anyway.

After checking the plantar box this morning and finding MORE poop I told Shane, "It's on.  I'm going to war with the cats."

Shane just smiled his knowing smile because he knows I like a challenge...wait, or maybe it was because he thinks I'm crazy.  One of the two.  

Nevertheless, the war is on.

Watch out cats...you're going down. 
(in the most humane way possible.)


Allyson & Jere said...

YES! Take 'em down, take 'em alllll down. Cats are the grossest! The end!

Bryson Jones said...

Love it - I support this message. I say invest in some kind of motion detector that cues you to action. I'm seeing pellet guns in your future. Or rather, instead of the mouse trap...... hmmm. That's it - put some super sticky paper in there - you come outside tomorrow and find a slew of cats in there. Done and done.

MamaD said...

Just own that cat and leave a regular litter box outside so she won't poop in your planter. Then you can change the litter box everyday instead of your planter. Litter is much easier to clean up if you buy the clumping kinds. You Shumways - you really hate cats, don't you?

PS - you could also call animal control. Wouldn't they come and pick the cat up?

The Dixon Family said...

You are so funny, Dixie. Good luck with the cats. You need a Red Ryder BB gun-and don't shoot your eye out.

Peg Van Patten said...

Hey Dix I feel your pain. When I had my sweet kitty the neighbor cats were always in my yard. The male peed on my storm door. KILL ! One is still around. I tried everything. Nothing worked. Just read about dry used coffee grounds. I can see your mouth dropping. COFFEE WHAT ! Wait. It really works... Just spread them around, even in the grass leading to the flower box. Ask a coffee shop for their used grounds grounds.

LadyCarma said...

I had neighbor cats pooping in my front garden in Plano and peeing on the front door. I read on the internet cats do NOT like citric anything, so I shredded orange and grapefruit peelings and scattered them in the garden. And when I told my neighbor what her cats were doing, she gave me a container of pellets that she bought at Home Depot that is a cat repellant. They stopped peeing on the door and pooping in my garden. Here in Las Vegas I blend up my citric peelings and pour it on the soil where the feral cats are digging and pooping. They don't seem as bothered by the citric. I am at war here! I hate cats and am very allergic. I feel your pain!

KCS said...

I feel your pain! As we discussed, I can't stand cats either. Bleck! My neighbor supports like 6 of them so every time I pull up to my house, there are like 2 or 3 of them sunning themselves in my yard.

The yard looks awesome, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Go to your neighborhood farm store - hopefully you have one close and they will carry a mixture you can put in the flower bed that will get them good! The one I used for my dog had cayenne pepper and it smelled horrific, but worked great! If that doesn't do it the gloves are off and its time to get out the jello made with antifreeze!

Anonymous said...

Go to your neighborhood farm store - hopefully you have one close and they will carry a mixture you can put in the flower bed that will get them good! The one I used for my dog had cayenne pepper and it smelled horrific, but worked great! If that doesn't do it the gloves are off and its time to get out the jello made with antifreeze!

Greg and Tammy said...

Don't leave us hanging!!! What happened????