Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Speed? I Am Speed.

Being fast can be a really good thing.  Especially in things like running or swimming, etc.  But there are other times it can just be annoying.

Shane has a loving little nickname he calls me:

"Reaction Time".

It's usually used like this:

Shane is cleaning up the kitchen, he turns around to do something and while he does that Dixie puts away five things he was just about to get to and he'll say, "Thanks Reaction Time."

Or, one of the kids will ask him to help them with something and I just walk over and do it before he even has the chance to stand up. "Okay, Reaction Time."

Or, he will be doing laundry and I will hear the washer finish and go put them in the dryer as he rounds the corner to do the same. "I was going to do that Reaction Time."

You get the idea.  I'm just one step ahead of him most of the time, which, as you might imagine, could get annoying.  Especially for Shane because he is actually Reaction Time Jr.  Before me in his life he had always been Reaction Time Sr.  But he tells me all the time that I even out pace him.

But I can't help it!

I like to do things fast...I always have. (for instance, I just typed that really fast just to prove a point...to myself.)

When I was at BYU I had a class where they tested our reaction time.  As you may have guessed :) , I had the fastest reaction time in the whole class!  I was quite proud of this, until I started realizing how annoying it is to have really fast reaction time when the rest of the world around you doesn't.

Any time I am at a stoplight I swear I see it turn green about 30 seconds before the car in front of me.


When I am at the grocery store in the check out line the people in front of me all move like they are 95 even though I can clearly see they are probably closer to 35.


When I am walking pretty much anywhere I am again surrounded by 95 year olds and I have to figure out routes around them.

That one is kind of fun because it's a challenge for me, but if I have to stay behind them for some reason...lame.

So here's the thing...  I HATE this about myself.

My reaction time is crazy fast and it makes me crazy crazy.

I am trying to learn how to slow down.

It's hard.


Mel said...

Ha! This post made me laugh because even though I didn't know the name "REaction Time" existed back in the day, I think I always called you that secretly. And dude, I am fast, but I remember always knowing you would be faster. Tell Shane I feel his pain.

Dana said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Thanks for writing my blog for em Reaction Time! :-) I'm actually glad you articulated all of this for me. I feel slightly better about myself now knowing that I am not really a crazy angry driver, nor am I a merciless "critical" spouse/parent, or an unrealistic optimist who likes things DONE. I am just a "reaction time" diva!! Although I hear what you are saying...I actually appreciate the skill at times. I only wish it did NOT exist when my MOUTH reacts too quickly and says something I wish I hadn't. Love you Dix...and your writing...and your reactions!

Jenalee said...

You girls and all your horrible trials. ;)

Lana said...

That was a funny post. :) Bless Shane's heart for even caring that the timer on the clothes had gone off. Seriously. Just tell Shane to compare himself to other men, and he will definitely be Reaction Time Sr. again. But there is a category for women and a separate one for men, I'm sure of that.

I'm sure there's some drug somewhere (like Valium) that would slow your reactions or make you care less about getting it done fast, but then you'd be lame and slow and 95 and that's just not Dixie. So you just gotta embrace your Speedy Gonzales-ness and move on.

LadyCarma said...

Great read here Dixie. I thought the name "reaction time" was a catchy thing for Shane to come up with. I have been plagued all my life with fastness! I can work circles around most people, can clean faster than a swiffer duster, and can walk faster than most people. Just like you, I get annoyed at the young couple strolling down the sidewalk heading into the store and block the way of anyone who is behind them. They are so slow-moe! I can't stand it, and my husband is usually annoyed that I am like that! I say to him: "You have to get up pretty early in the morning to be ahead of me!" I even get up before anyone else in the morning.

Shane said...

For the record, I LOVE the speed at which Dixie does things. It was one of the first things that drew me to her. We did some instant messaging, and I realized that she typed ALMOST as fast as I did. And that was awesome. She also worked quickly and got things done with me, which is something I really appreciate. She is the best teammate EVER. It is just when she is on an opposing team that I hate it. Because I lose. AND ALL MY LIFE I THOUGHT I WAS FAST. But dealing with the realities of my speed in relation to my wife is yet another thing to understand and love in life after Dixie.

AL&G said...

When asked about your greatest weakness at job interviews, were you one of those who responded with a humble smile while saying things like "my greatest weakness is I try too hard"...or "my greatest weakness is I care too much". Just curious? :) Miss you and your speedy self.

DianD said...

Welll.... Very Interesting! I saw that trait very early on, too! :) I think your Dad would have to be right there with you and Dana in being a "reaction time" champ in anything having to do with driving, walking in a group, or playing a game... Unlike Shane, however, he has learned to COMPLETELY turn off ANY reaction time when it means he might have to do a dish, transfer laundry, help get dinner on the table, help with other chores etc., etc., etc. in other words... he has very "selective" reaction time skills! So interesting!~ :) I'm surprised he's still sane having had to put up with me for the last nearly 47 years! :) I love me some sloooooooowwwww and easy! :)