Well, congrats. The seven of you have all encouraged me, so I will post. :)
To my audience of seven:
I think Owen will be my top story because he is my top frustration as of late.
As mentioned briefly in my last blog (which was just yesterday, in case you didn't notice), Owen has turned into a kleptomaniac. And I mean kleptoMANIAC.
This kid wants to sneak everything...even stuff he doesn't have to sneak.
So he's always looking at you with these guilty eyes and you're like, "What? What the heck did you just do? Did you just take something? What did you take? Stop looking at me with those crazy eyes and just tell me what you did? What? What the heck is it?!?!?!"
But he's not talking. Just staring at you and shaking his head with crazy, guilty eyes.
So it's up to Morgan, his accomplice in crime--but also his biggest rat--to let me know what's really going on.
The other day she was in my room with me and said, "I think I need a little snack." So she leaves and comes back to tell me she just had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Ummm, you were gone for like 3 seconds and you can't make your own sandwich. She caught my look of confusion, had some guilt maybe, and took me to Owen's room where she showed me he had stashed a bag of marshmallows--her "little snack"--under his bed.
This was extremely aggravating because it was coming on the wings of him stashing an entire bag of cookies underneath his bed and eating them all--well, apparently with a little help from Morgan.
First off: where am I when he is sneaking all this crap? Weird.
Second: he has told me that he just really, REALLY needs the sugar and that his tummy told him he needed to take it. What in the?
Thirdly: well, there is no thirdly. I just don't know what to do to stop all the sneaking. It's driving me insane.
Unfortunately all this misbehaving calls for discipline and all this discipline has led to Owen telling me he would like to "Quit the family."
I simply informed him, "You can't quit the family."
"Why not?" he asked me very quizzically.
"Because we need you."
"Oh." he said...and although he didn't say it, I think it made him feel important.
Which he is.
I just love this kid--sneaky, crazy eyes and all.
We all do because when he's not being crazy (about 1/16th of the day) he is the sweetest kid you've ever met.