Friday, November 20, 2009

Sisters--Everybody Should Have One.

Last night as I was going to bed I peeked my head in to see how the kids were doing. Morgan had been crying and complaining that she was scared...her favorite thing to do at bed time lately. Never mind the fact that 3 kids are crammed into one bedroom, the door is open and the bathroom light is on and shining right in there--she claims to be scared. After sending her back to bed and telling her I didn't want to hear it, things had quieted down and I hadn't heard anything more.

A little later I looked in and saw this.

Her big sister, who DOES NOT like to share her bed, had agreed to let her on since she was scared. And there they were, completely content and asleep.

It made me smile and it made me so happy. Truly you could not have two more different girls than these two, but they are sisters, and there is a bond there... no matter what.

It made me hope for their future that they can be as close to each other as I am with my sisters (and sisters-in-law). I think everyone should have a sister. There is no other relationship quite like it.

Last Saturday my sisters (and in-laws, and mom) kidnapped my sister Allyson to take her on a shopping spree. We got to hang out and shop and talk and spend the afternoon together and it was so much fun. We are all very different too, but we enjoy and appreciate each other so much.

I have felt exactly like Allyson did when we took her shopping. How do you thank these wonderful people enough? When I moved from Utah to Arizona my sisters (and others) had worked tirelessly to make my apartment a place worth living. They painted, cleaned, talked my dad into re-doing LOTS of stuff, had flowers outside my door with a welcome mat, food in my fridge and a build-a-bear for Livy. And those are just the things I can recall off the top of my head. It was INCREDIBLE! After reading Allyson's post the other night I told Shane I knew exactly how she felt. I'm so afraid of crying and getting emotional telling people how much I love them and how much I appreciate them (I don't know why I'm this's a huge flaw, I know), so I just sort of move on because I can't take it. It's hard to accept that much love and care on your behalf. And yet, it's there. (currently swallowing the lump in my throat. must. not. cry.)

To my sisters and all others who helped with the apartment and who helped me when I got here, thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I'm awkward when it comes to emotion, just know that I love you and am more thankful than you will ever know.

Some day my Livy and Morgan will know what a valuable relationship sisterhood is. And I hope they will always cherish it like I do. I hope they will remember being 6 & 3 years old and sharing a bed because someone was afraid. I hope they will always remember what's important. I hope they will realize how lucky they are to have a sister.

"How do people make it through life without a sister?" ~Sara Corpening
Love you all!


Jules said...

What a GREAT post. Thank you. I too am grateful for my sister and that my girls have each other. Livy is such a sweet unselfish little girl.

DianD said...

Yep! I knew I was cheated out of a great blessing in life when I only had brothers. Love them, but it's not the same. Thank goodness I had such a wonderful Mom who, though not quite the same as a sister, was truly my greatest friend, confidant, & cheerleader. Thank goodness I was blessed with daughters (and daughters-in-law)for whom sisterhood is spelled L-O-V-E! And through whom I can enjoy this missed blessing from my life, vicariously! Great Post!

Greg and Tammy said...

What a great post. You do have a very wonderful family!!

juliespahr said...

I LOVE my sisters too!!! (In-laws as well) I don't know what I would do without them!!! We had the same situation the other night in our home but with Brothers! Griff has his own room (for a few more months) and didn't want to sleep alone. Gav also doesn't like to share the bed! But in the morning I found them right next to eachother and I almost cried! It's happened 2 more times since then! Love it!!!

MamaD said...

I love sisters! Sometimes I think that one baby is enough but then I think that I would hate to cheat Lucy out of that wonderful opportunity to be a big sister. Hope she is as sweet as Olivia.

Dana said...

Ditto! Everone knows I am pathetic at showing my real emotions and feelings, but my sisters--that includes in-laws too-- really are my best friends (along with my brothers, parents, children, and husband!) Guess I'm pretty pro-family. :-) But both your post and Allyson's said the things I feel too. Thanks for always listenin to me, helping me through my "crazy brain" and for literally "saving me" this year. XOXO

Allyson & Jere said...

Awe man, you made me tear up. So sweet, the pics of Livy and Morgan. And a beautifully written post. And, for the record, I would TOTALLY do the apartment all over again any time if it meant you got to come and be my neighbor. Love you, so glad you're here and you're my sister.

The Hytes said...

That reminded me of growing up with my sister. She's 3 1/2 years older and we didn't share a room but from when we were 15/18 until her mission, she'd find me every night and beg me to sleep in her room because she was scared.