Thursday, June 28, 2012

Room Rules...

Listen, when you live in a house full of one brother you have to have some pretty strict room rules to make sure everyone is on board with your standards.  Leave it to Olivia and Morgan (but we all know mostly Olivia) to make sure things are clear.

Several months ago she posted this sign on her door:

I believe my favorites are:
#4--No Smoking (you know, since most of us here have a problem with that she just wants to make sure we keep it outside I guess)
#8--No picking noses (just a general good rule of thumb)
#11--No Junking…so important that it had to be added as rule #11 of "10 Room Rules"

Owen couldn't stand idly by without a few rules of his own so he created a sign as well.  It looks like this:

I know it doesn't have quite the flare that Olivia's and Morgan's has but I think he gets his point across pretty well.  

Maybe Shane and I should create some room rules of our own.

I have a few ideas…

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Jerz….

(Photo by Damian Dayton)

People who blog about their pets are so annoying.

So sue me.

This is Jersey.

Damian took a bunch of candid pictures of my family one day and one of my favorites was this one of Jersey.  That's when I knew…I really love my dog.

I never understood people who loved their dogs "like they were part of the family".

We had dogs growing up, but they were always backyard mangey mutts that weren't allowed inside.  I'm not exactly sure why my parents had them because none of us seemed to appreciate having them.

Nonetheless, because of this experience I never intended on having a dog.

Then I had to dog-sit the litter of puppies that Jersey was born in and Morgan and I fell in love with Jersey ("the cow puppy").

She was just so cute.

With some finagling I talked my dad into letting us have Jersey at the apartment and the deed was done.

We became a dog family.  An INSIDE dog family.

Unheard of.

Since then Jersey really has become a part of our family.  I can't imagine life without her.

In the beginning I told Shane I couldn't bring myself to fully love her because she could get hit by a car or run away at any time and I didn't want to cry over a dog.   But somewhere along the line she worked her way into my heart anyway and if something happened to her I really would cry…a lot.

She's the best dog.

I know there are a lot of people who don't understand loving a dog like this and all I can say is, I get it…

….but you're really missing out.