Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Case of the Broken Violin...

Everyone loves a good mystery right.

Especially at our house.

My kids love to sleuth things out.

So a few days ago Olivia opened her violin and I heard a scream from the other room.

I thought she might have broken her leg or something.

Instead she had opened her case to find her violin looking like this:

Since we had just been gone on Fall Break for a week it seemed very strange that it just broke sitting in it's case.

The kids started sleuthing right away. (okay, and me too!)

Immediately they thought of Crew and Dane…3 houses away. Boys who love to be destructive.

Olivia was certain it was one of them.

Shane told her several times he didn't think that was possible because Crew wouldn't really be capable of zipping the case back up after breaking it and Dane just probably wouldn't.

We continued to think of possibilities and then Morgan, in her very sure way, told us all what had really happened.

"It was Jersey"…the dog.

"How do you know?"

"Because I looked her in the eyes and she looked back at me with sad eyes….and then she licked me four times."

Well, I don't think there's ever been a more clear-cut case.

It was the dog!

1 comment:

azandersens said...

I could write a book about all the trauma I have put my violins through over the years, but a broken tailpiece is a new one! Wow! Don't worry, it always looks worse than it is. Shouldn't be that bad to get fixed. When I was in first grade or so, I got out my sister's smaller violin that she wasn't using. I left it out in my messy room, and later when I went to sit down on the bed I heard a "crack". The bow was broken in two. I just put it back in the case and never said a word. Finally confessed to my mom abt. 20 years later, and she didn't even remember it!