It sounds so good!
Who doesn't want food you don't have to work for and the ability to be lazy and do whatever you feel like while someone else takes care of you?
We all deserve that, right?
The only problem is... that doesn't work.
Before long the food runs out and all you have are a bunch of fat hyena's (soon to be starving) complaining that nobody is taking care of them.
I know Obama tells people what they like to hear but he has shown us over the past four years that, just like Scar, he can't change the "circle of life".
It is what it is.
The "something for nothing" philosophy can never work and before long we will all be paying for it one way or another. (and we already are)
There has to be wisdom and order and Barak Obama simply doesn't understand that, which means he does not understand how to run a country.
"I don't want to live in a country where everything is free but us." --Paul Ryan
I love your train of thought Dixie! :)
Before I make a response, I just want to preface my statements by saying that I wouldn't jump into this discussion if I didn't like you. We share enough other things in common that I don't mind disagreeing with you every once in a while. With that in mind, I offer another perspective:
I think this is a good case for seeing what you are wanting to see. If you've made up your mind about Obama, there is nothing he says that will either be interpreted in the worst way possible, or be eyed with suspicion.
Once you've decide that Obama is a socialist it's hard not to interpret everything he says as promising "something for nothing" and overlooking everything else he says to the contrary.
He has made some promises. Here's his scorecard according to PolitiFact:
Republicans want us to believe that all Democrats are socialists, Democrats want us to believe that Republicans are all fascists. The truth is that campaigns have to motivate us to vote, and we aren't going to vote if there isn't anything at stake. So campaigns try to tell a story using extremes and making it seem as if we are on the brink of destruction or the brink of new era.
The truth is that:
1. Republicans and Democrats are more similar than they are different. Especially Obama and Romney. There have probably never been two more similar administrators vying for the presidency. I recently heard Romney criticize Obamacare but then went on to say what he would do with healthcare (which was just reinstating much of what Obamacare is already doing). Obama has raised taxes and he has cut taxes, just like all presidents, including Ronald Reagan have done. Romney will be no different if he is elected.
2. It doesn't really matter much who is elected. I've cared passionately about presidential campaigns since Clinton v. Bush I, and I've had my heart broken many times when they guy I was rooting for lost, and when the guy I was rooting for won and turned out to be a bum. Despite my disappointment, the world has kept on turning. Clinton did not ruin the U.S. and neither did Bush II. Obama will not bring us to ruin, and Romney will not save us. There are many more forces at work that see to that. Check out this great freakonomics story on just this subject:
Paul Ryan would like voters to believe that it is a choice between individual freedom and state welfare. The truth is more nuanced, and so is Ryan's record:
It short, politics makes for great drama, but it isn't a great place to find truth.
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