Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012


It's come and gone.

I always like November 1st.

There are plenty of things I don't like about Halloween. 

But lots that I do.

I love the weather.

I love the sense of community with everyone out and about.

And I love how excited my kids get about their costumes.

Morgan wanted to be "Midget Joe" this year (a Dayton Family folklore character), but when I came home from the store with things for the other kids' costumes and explained they don't have "Midget Joe" paraphenalia at the store she was disappointed.  I told her they do have a devil costume or a cat costume, and she got very excited and wanted to switch to a devil right away.

Livy of course helped her put her "outfit" together as Morgan explained she wanted to be a "cute" devil.  And then she proceeded to tell me through the evening about other devil costumes she saw that "didn't even look like devils."  Clearly she is the real deal and they are not. (I must say, this costume is fitting for her at this stage in her life.  Hard, hard, hard this one has been!)

I think Owen rocked the Werewolf costume pretty well.  He really likes to stay in character when he wears a costume. :)  He didn't even recognize himself when he looked in the mirror.  It freaked him out a little bit.

Olivia's number one goal every Halloween is to scare her cousin Tatum.  She can't wait to get her make up on and look scary so she can run over and freak Tatum out.  As we get ready she devises all kinds of plans to sneak into Tatum's room and scare the heck out of her.  She doesn't ever carry them out, she just likes to talk about them.  She couldn't really talk with her teeth in and her jaw started hurting from holding them in all night.  But she would not take them out…it would "ruin her costume."  So committed that one.

Ready for Trick of Treating.

Everyone in character?  Good.

Dividing up the spoils.

Until next year…..